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The worst limitations come from the mind, the rest can be translated.

Eliminate borders, this is what we freelancers of this website are looking for. Nowadays businesses open their borders worldwide. It is up to each one of us if we want to stay in our own country or extend beyond. Sooner or later someone else will do it for you if you don't do it now. Connecting cultures, that's what we do here.

Our blog from the world of translation

Here are our articles about the world of translations, the hidden side of this world and the latest in product localization. You own a language, we multiply its power.

What we do here

We write articles about the world of translation in order to clarify doubts regarding Russian, Spanish, English, Romanian and Ukrainian languages.
Are translations done by native speakers of Russian or any other language of any use?
What is the purpose of transcreation and what role does it play in the world of translation?
What is text localization
What is the best known translation agency in Spain? Apart from ours, of course )
The world of translations and the French language
The most interesting things about the German language
The most curious things about the English language
12 interesting and curious facts about text translation
Professional translators do not live by CAT tools alone.
In an increasingly connected world, professional translation plays a key role in global communication.
In today's globalized world, companies often need to communicate with customers, partners and clients in different languages and efficiently.
What impact does artificial intelligence have on the world of professional translations and will AI replace human translators?
Over the last decade, the translation industry has experienced significant advances driven by...
In today's interconnected world, where global communication is the norm rather than the exception, the professional and non-professional translation services industry plays a vital role in breaking down language barriers and facilitating cross-cultural understanding.
Know in 2 minutes the latest innovations and news in the translation industry, key trends, technologies and developments that already shaped the future of translation services.

What are the basic requirements for a successful translation career?

Undoubtedly, mastery of the source and target language. In addition, good style and familiarity with both the culture of the target language and the pitfalls of our own culture.

However, translation is not just about translating the meaning of the text from one language to another. There are many difficulties that lie in wait for a new translator, as this job is a business like many others. Every translator must be aware of what is expected.

What are the benefits of CAT tools? How does a software localization tool work?

Translation companies, like many industries, have been through the pandemic wringer and emerged looking very different from when they entered. However, this does not imply that it has suffered. Rather, it has thrived and progressed.

In today's post, let's take a look at some notable statistics from 2021 and analyze translation trends in 2022.

What has the professional language and translation industry achieved?

The number of professional translators has doubled between 2013 and 2020.

The number of translators is expected to increase by 20% between 2019 and 2029, much faster than the average for all jobs.

In 2019, the global language services sector was estimated to be valued at $46.9 billion.

By 2025, it is expected to be valued at $73.6 billion.

The translation industry is growing rapidly, but what is driving this expansion? When others have struggled and faltered, why has the sector remained so strong and resilient?
One explanation lies in the process of globalization, which has been steadily intensifying over the past 20 years. The Internet is not the only key to a connected society; valuable polyglots are also essential.

As technological innovation spreads across borders, the need for linguists to facilitate communication grows. Branded reports and slogans, online events and workshops, etc. are things that many companies want to share.

Global connections are increasingly seen as a necessary component of doing business, and companies expect to circumvent linguistic boundaries with the click of a mouse. As companies expand globally, marketing is becoming more and more vital.l.

Not surprisingly, transcreation is booming in the translation industry as a whole. As the Internet world expands, companies are focusing their efforts on the new digital natives. Organizations are trying to access these potential customers through cyberspace as more users go online (nearly two-thirds of the world's population will have access to the Internet by 2023).

On the other hand, Internet newcomers are likely to come from emerging non-English speaking countries such as India, Ghana and Ukraine. That means there are huge prospects for companies willing to venture beyond their comfort zones and into non-English speaking regions.

Translation trends in 2022

While the digital age had already begun when Covid occurred, the pandemic forced people to communicate online. This required the use of remote linguists, such as professional translators and native speakers, as well as web page translation.
Although both had been available for a long time, the epidemic caused a boom in demand: remote translation and live translation became the standard in clinics, courts, seminars and companies.
This trend is likely to continue through 2022 and beyond, as healthcare rules in many countries prevent face-to-face interaction. Corporations are adapting to distant arrangements as the pandemic spreads around the world and translation services benefit.
Fortunately, the digital transition has been fairly easy for linguists, given that many of them previously worked online. If there was a glimmer of hope during the Covid horror, language service providers were quite well adapted.

Medical translation

Medical translation was another area where Covid had an impact. The need for knowledge sharing became important as nations around the world attempted to develop a vaccine and control disease.
Professionals in the medical and pharmaceutical industries had an urgent need to share research, ideas, data and discoveries around the world.
Once the pandemic emerged, governments had to inform the public about safety precautions, making sure everyone knew the guidelines, regardless of their native language. As the global economic crisis continues, it seems doubtful that the demand for medical translation will diminish anytime soon. Finding enough suitably competent translators to address this complex issue could be difficult.

Podcasts and video translation

As users become more connected, the need to tailor information and programs for video translation consumers around the world grows. Video is a good example. In 2019, the average video consumption was 84 minutes per day, and Cisco said that by 2022, video streaming and downloads will account for 82 percent of global Internet traffic.
With the inexorable rise of video comes the need for localization, which includes subtitling and dubbing videos. As a result, video translation services are thriving in an ever-expanding market.
Another example of how technological advances are driving demand for translation is multilingual podcasts. Some of the world's largest broadcasters are translating their most successful programs into multiple languages to broaden their appeal.

Electronic learning or e-learning

Before the epidemic, e-learning was a thriving field, but now it's bigger than ever. In fact, Forbes estimates that by 2025, the sector will be worth $355 billion as the pandemic forces students and teachers to flee physical classrooms.

As corporations largely translate English-language electronic tools and materials into other languages, this transition is driving tremendous growth in the language translation and transcreation markets.
Since the pandemic began, the translation talent pool has overflowed. People have turned to their language talents for a living after losing their jobs. Those who used the lockout as an opportunity to rethink their lifestyle and career ambitions found the industry attractive. Many new professional translators are growing as a result of their language skills.
The possibilities are particularly exciting for those who speak Chinese, Spanish, Russian or Portuguese. Meanwhile, those working in fields such as blockchain and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) are expected to be in high demand. As we have already mentioned, Health and Life Sciences will continue to need interpreters for a long time to come. For bilingual or multilingual people, your time has come.

Artificial intelligence

For years, technology prophets have predicted the decline of human translation and the growth of artificial intelligence (AI). While machine translation has progressed rapidly, it is still far from perfect.
For example, Google Translate cannot handle complicated texts or documents and continues to struggle with local and colloquial words. In many circumstances, having human translators translate the content is faster than having a machine do it and then perform the post-editing of the translation.
However, emerging breeds of hybrid platforms may offer a better option for the language field in the future. . The human translator is kept informed through computer-assisted translation (CAT), which allows him or her to review and edit the machine translation as it progresses.
A person still controls the procedure, but it is easier and faster. The algorithm processes numerous levels of training data, including translation style, terminology and human preferences, using a kind of machine learning called “deep learning neural networks.”
However, editing machine translation is now a laborious and time-consuming procedure. When will computers be able to match the knowledge and consistency of a human being? Watch out for this.

The need for efficiency and quality is timeless

While these advances are wonderful, the end result is what matters. With limited resources post-pandemic, no one wants to spend money on poor workmanship or unreliable companies.
A professional translation partner is essential, whether you are working on a large volume of work or a complex project that requires precision. In Traductores Nativos you will find an expert in customization and quality, so get on stage with us.

Translation Company

The “one-size-fits-all” approach does not apply here: our team develops a customized plan for each job. In addition, Native Translators (the company is now called Native Creators OU) exclusively employs proven talent, such as in-market content writers who are well versed in local nuances.
Finally, because of the extensive industry experience of our team of professional translators, the importance of knowing the client - what they want and how they work - is highly appreciated.

"Translating from one language into another is the most delicate of intellectual exercises; compared to it, the other puzzles, from bridge to jigsaw puzzles, seem trivial and vulgar. To take a fragment in Greek and translate it into English without spilling a drop - what a pleasant skill!"

Cyril Connelly
Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.