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The world of translations and the French language

The French language is a Romance language that evolved from the crossing of the Latin language with the Galician languages. However, the French language had a very special evolution (unlike the other Latin languages).

A little bit about the French language

France or the Galician territory register the first testimonies made of the “Iron Age”. The current area of France was called “Gaul” by the Romanians. Although the term “Gaul” was representative of all the inhabitants of the area of France, the history goes back to three ethnolinguistic peoples:
- Gauls
- Aquitani
- Belgians
Each of these peoples had a different evolution and interacted with different peoples over time. This element allowed the evolution of the French language in a different way according to each area. French is spoken by a total of about 220 million people, either as a mother tongue, second language or foreign language, in the member, associate or observer countries of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), as well as in several other countries outside of it, such as Algeria or the United States of America. There is also no precise data on those whose mother tongue is French. Their number is estimated at 110 million.
French is one of the basic languages of international communication. At the same time, if English is traditionally considered the language of mass communication, French has always been considered the privilege of the elite and the bourgeoisie. It is also considered the language of art and culture, being the most popular and in demand in secular society.

In any reference book or textbook, you can easily find and read that the French language belongs to the group of Romance languages, along with its closest neighbors: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, as well as Romanian, Moldavian and many other languages that do not have the status of state languages (for example, Sardinian is the language of the inhabitants of the island called Sardinia, the closest to Classical Latin of all modern and modern Romance languages). These languages are called Romance because they are based on Latin, the language of ancient Rome (lat. Roma).

A few details about the French language

We are pleased to announce that the specialists of Traductores Nativos have prepared many more interesting facts about this charming and harmonious French language just for you!

  1. French is recognized as an official language in 29 countries around the world, including Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco and Luxembourg. But, for example, the variation used in the Canadian province of Quebec is so different from classical French that even native French speakers sometimes can't understand a word.
  2. Previously, French was directly the official language of England for 6 centuries. In 1362, the English Pleadings Act was issued, an official document obliging the British Parliament to conduct legal proceedings only in English. It is curious that this Act was also written in French. And even despite this, until 1423, parliamentarians continued to use exclusively a foreign language for their state (French).
  3. The motto and creed of the monarch of Great Britain, placed on the coat of arms of this country, is also written in French and sounds like “Dieu et mon droit” (“God and my right”).
  4. The first and oldest monument of the French language is the Oath of Strasbourg. This was the name of the treaty concluded between the King of the Western Franks Charles II the Bald and his brother, the King of the Eastern Franks Louis II of Germany, signed in 842. The main purpose of the treaty was unity for a common struggle against his third brother, Lotarius.
  5. The most interesting literary work from the point of view of learning the French language is the novel “La disparition” by Georges Perec, which was published in 1969. Its unique excitement is that none of the words used in the novel contain the letter e, the most widely used letter of the French alphabet. And even when translating the book into other European languages, this letter was not used either.
  6. In 1968, the Francophonie, an organization uniting the interests of the French-speaking countries of the world, was created. Its main objective is to study, glorify and spread the French language. But the main criterion for joining this organization is not the degree of diffusion of French within a particular country, but the deep cultural ties with France that have developed over decades.
  7. The longest word in the French language is the word “anticonstitutionnellement” (“unconstitutional”): 25 characters. The longest phrase was used by Victor Hugo in Les Misérables in 1862. It consists of 823 words.
  8. Interestingly, the French language has one of the most complex schemes for constructing numbers. Moreover, the corresponding logic is sometimes extremely difficult to trace. So, for example, the number 70 sounds like “sixty-ten”, 80 is “four times twenty” and 90 is “four times twenty-ten”. Although things are even worse in the Georgian and Danish languages and, consequently, many times more difficult.
  9. The French word “assiette” has a double meaning. It means both “plate” and “support”. From a mistranslation has gone the only Russian word in Russian, which is actually of French origin. Also, words like restaurant, omelet, menu, soufflé, dessert, champagne and more have French roots. Many English words are of French origin, that is, they were taken directly from the French language.
  10. French are distinguished by the most intricate and, at the same time, beautiful and surprising reaction to a person who sneezed (moreover, several times). If in most other languages, in response to sneezing, it is customary to wish only health to the sneezing person, then the French are much more complicated with this. The response to the first sneeze is the phrase “à tes souhaits” (“may your wishes come true”) by those present. If a person sneezes repeatedly, they say “à tes amours” (“I love you”). Well, after the third sneeze, he himself replies to those around him “que les tiennes durent toujours” (“and may yours be eternal”).
  11. French is the traditional language of ballet. Many terms in classical dance lessons are French.

French translation demand

The translation of a text from Eglish into French is a very important service. It is one of the working languages of the UN and is spoken by many citizens around the world. French is an incredibly original, authentic and euphonious language. It sounds beautiful, but it is quite difficult to study, as it has many nuances and rules.

Due to the complexity, we can say with certainty that an independent translation of the text into French will contain errors, inaccuracies, deficiencies and some nuances. For this task, it is best to turn to professionals in this field, which can be found in our office.

If you just want to understand the general meaning of the material, you can use automatic programs (machine translation), but this will be a set of words that often does not reflect the meaning. Therefore, this option is not at all suitable for business correspondence or preparation of official documents.

What are the nuances of the French language?

French belongs to a variety of the Vulgar Latin language. It is spoken by many peoples of the world. It is an official language in 25 countries. The grammar is simplified compared to Latin, however, it requires a lot of care and thoroughness when compiling sentences.

Nouns are not declined for cases. Feminine and masculine are distinguished, but not by the noun, but by the special article or adjective. As we recall, they were mentioned above. Verbs are conjugated, have modes and reflexive form. It has many features that only a native speaker knows.

The cost of translation is available for each client. It depends on the characteristics of the task, the volume of the source text and the nuances of the work. To translate a text into French, it is necessary to study it thoroughly and know it well, as it is important to understand not only the meaning of individual words, but also the general essence, emotional color and many other very important aspects.

But we assure you that Traductores Nativos translation agency has fair and optimal prices for high quality language services. Cheap, and that's it: affordable translations with us!

Technical documents really require the study of every detail, as any mistake can be fatal, because instructions are attached to serious machinery or equipment. We work professionally and guarantee a competent translation of any level of complexity.

In general, we are engaged in French translation, both French to English translation and French to English translation. We do this for a variety of purposes, invariably quickly and with guaranteed quality.

The task of translating from French is as relevant today as ever. We can judge this by the increasing number of specific orders, including those focused on France itself, and we strive, despite the high density of work, to prevent the quality of our projects from deteriorating under the pressure of ever-increasing volume, while at the same time meeting international quality standards. One of the aspects of translation is to accompany our clients with additional detailed information, if desired.

Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.