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Professional Ukrainian to Spanish Translator

Contact a professional translator based in Spain directly!

Sworn translations, general subject matter, copywriting, rewriting, content creation.
professional translator Spanish-Ukrainian
Egor Naevsky Ukrainian, professional translations

Professional Translator Egor Naevsky, Ukrainian and Spanish

Services of a professional Spanish-Ukrainian translator. Creative team of native translators Native translators. High quality translation is guaranteed.

Written translation of a text from Spanish is a popular service for international business and personal purposes only. Written interpretations generally mean working with any type of textual information presentation.

The Spanish language has more than 329 million native speakers. It ranks second in the world in terms of the number of people for whom it is native. Today, even more people speak Spanish than English. The number of native speakers of an international language is about 328 million. Thus, Spanish is native to 44 different countries around the world. For example, in the United States of America, Spanish is the second most popular language. Thus, the more Spanish speakers there are, the greater the demand for Spanish-language services.

More than 44 million people speak Spanish in the United States alone. In Mexico, the language is actively used by around 100 million, while in South America, more than 50 million. Spanish is represented all over the world, so translating into Spanish is one of the best ways to access the international market (especially Spanish).

Translation into this language will open up new opportunities for companies seeking to extend their influence to other countries, i.e., foreign audiences. These companies need to build relationships with Hispanic business people and potential clients.

The professional translators of Traductores Nativos' creative team have specialized training in various subject areas: advertising and business, education, medicine and pharmacology, law, business and finance, engineering, construction and architecture, chemistry, information technology (IT industry). We translate contracts, insurance and banking documents, economic reviews, tender documents, advertising and analytical articles.

Ukrainian document translation

Egor Naevsky is an authorized translator from Ukraine. He translates documents from Spanish into Ukrainian, as well as from Ukrainian into Spanish. He is a native Ukrainian speaker.

Studied at the Lviv University of Commerce and Economics. After graduating from a higher education institution, worked as an accountant for 5 years. He regularly attended courses in economics and business. A little later Egor was invited to participate as a speaker at one of the conferences.

Currently, Ukrainian-Spanish translator Egor Naevsky works in the team of Native Translators. He specializes in translation of financial and economic documents.

Among them:
- Annual financial reports.

Translation of annual financial reports and company financial results. Financial statements. Translation of financial statement documentation, profit and loss reports, etc.

- Auditor's estimates.

Translation of audit reports, as well as reports of domestic and foreign companies.

- Accounts and financials.

Translation of accounting reports. Statement of the company's financial situation: profits, losses.

- Banking documents Translation of documentation for banks: by-laws, business plans, financial statements.

It is worth noting that Egor is really attentive to his work, so he does not allow inaccuracies in the translation of financial documentation. He is a real expert in translation of financial and accounting statements of companies. You can order translation of annual reports, banking documents and other financial and economic materials from Spanish into Ukrainian.

Translation of documents by Native Translators means quality, efficiency and the best prices.

Our team offers you to order high quality handwritten document translation. We guarantee quality and, of course, meeting deadlines.

Native translators are fluent in their native language and specialize directly in the subjects they work with. They are fully familiar with the norms and rules of the language they are translating into. They work with personal documents, passports, attestations and certificates and other personal documents.

Reliable Spanish-Ukrainian translator Egor Naevsky is ready to provide you with linguistic support. He will perform the work to high standards, guaranteeing quality and efficiency.

Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.