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Ukrainian Spanish Sworn Translation Services

Get in touch directly with a sworn translator based in Spain!

Sworn translations, general subject matter, copywriting, rewriting, content creation.
Ukrainian translation Spanish
Maxim Levansky Ukrainian, sworn translation into Spanish

Ukrainian-Spanish sworn translations by Maxim

It is part of Traductores Nativos, a team of freelance translators who are known as freelancers in the world of professional translations. Our strength lies in our versatility. We offer a wide range of absolutely different, yet necessary, linguistic translation services. Here everyone can find a specialist who will translate his project.

Our employees worked with representatives from such countries as:
- Spain;
- Ukraine;
- England;
- USA;
- France;
United Kingdom; Germany
- Germany;
- Romania;
- Portugal;
And many others.
We present to your attention the authorized translator Spanish-Ukrainian: Maxim Levansky. Years of higher education: 2002-2006 at the Kiev Linguistic University. He received a diploma with honors, a bachelor of arts degree. Maxim previously worked as a Spanish tutor for children aged 7-17. In addition, he lectured at courses for beginning translators. Engaged in the development of new unique methods of text translation.
Today, Maxim Levansky is a translator from Spanish into Ukrainian and a representative of the Native Translators team Specialties: translation and proofreading of project documentation, subtitles, technical specifications.
Completes projects with high quality, without violating deadlines. Ready to translate your materials and perform your work at a high and recommended level.
Having learned about the specializations of another of our licensed translators, we invite you to consider other topics of materials translated by our Spanish-Ukrainian translators.
Current services include:
- Translation of marketing content.
Enter the international market with native translators. New target audience = new opportunities.
- Translation of audiovisual files.
Localizing animations and videos will help you, as well as potential listeners. After all, new information is remembered much better thanks to its visual presentation.
- Localization of websites and online stores.
Taking your business to the international level, gaining new opportunities. Improving content by expanding the circle of potential customers and, as a result, the arrival of more profits.
- Technical translation.
Accurate technical translation. 0 nuances regarding the use of technical terminology and the best result.
- I work with medical, economic and legal documents.
Texts will be as readable and understandable as possible. Translations will not be rated worse than the original. Many other suggestions.
- Many possibilities. Work with all subjects apart from the general subject matter. Great responsibility for quality.

Ukrainian document translation

Correct choice of a reliable and authorized Spanish-Ukrainian translator is guaranteed. In addition, an additional service is available, the description of which can be found below.
Have you previously used translation services of any company, but for some reason you are not sure about their proofreading or post-proofreading? Or you simply used a free online translator due to your lack of language skills? Do you want to check the result?

Our Spanish to Ukrainian translators can also proofread and carefully check previously translated materials or just texts. We check the text for clear structure and absence of errors in style, spelling and punctuation. In addition, we take into account the method of translation of the submitted document.

If necessary, we make corrections, analyze the translation and adapt the information in the text.
Benefits of the editing service of the Native Translators team:
- Extremely considerate approach.
- Efficiency.
- Attention to every nuance.
- Execution of the work by a native speaker.
- Extensive experience in editing materials.

The choice of a translator for editing texts on a given subject is also carried out very carefully. After all, translators providing technical translation services have extensive practical experience not only in technical translation, but also in various high-tech areas. In other words, technical translation is performed by sworn translators who specialize in the subject and type of document to be translated. Absolutely the same with editing and proofreading.

As with translation, proofreading and editing of the text is performed by a native speaker. The correctness of the use of terms and the accuracy of the transfer of meaning are checked.

Editing and proofreading stages:

- Familiarization with the subject matter of the text;
- Target audience analysis;
- Evaluation of translation/editing quality of the text;
- Constructing work plans and determining nuances;
- Proofreading error; Proofreading material;
- Control check;
- Delivery of the result.

As you can see, our team always takes a responsible approach to the implementation of each type of activity. Native Translators specialists have created the necessary and precise algorithms of actions, thanks to which the work is built clearly and without nuances. It should be noted that this technique is quite effective. This is evidenced by the positive feedback from our clients.

The most accurate translations by the specialists of the Native Translators team. The best Spanish-Ukrainian translators with long and rich experience.

We are open for cooperation, our translators will certainly help you to present your products or services on the international market! The Native Translators team is waiting for you!

Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.