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Professional English to Spanish and Spanish to English translations from the United States

Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Panamanian, Colombian, Peruvian, Ecuadorian, Bolivian, Chilean, Venezuelan, Argentinean, Uruguayan, Cuban, Dominican Republic Spanish, and U.S. neutral language versions

Certifications accredited by Loyola University of Orlando, Florida, United States of America and the Ministry of Education of Guatemala.

Professional English to Spanish and Spanish to English translations from the United States
Maximo F. Wilhelm M. Native of Guatemala

Professional Spanish Translator, Latin America version

Professional translations from English to Latin American versions of Spanish and vice versa, i.e. from Spanish to English, professional translator and interpreter with 9 years of experience, specialized in business, business travel interpreting, economics, technical translations, finance, foreign affairs, foreign trade, IT, law, medicine, marketing, oil and gas and travel or tourism destinations. Member of the Management Committee of the Interpretation and Translation Division of the Loyola Institute of Linguists in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, Central America (Latin America). The quality and professionalism of my translations has been confirmed with certifications accredited by Loyola University of Orlando, Florida, United States of America, and the relevant certification authority of the Guatemalan government, which is the Ministry of Education of Guatemala (MINEDUC).
SANS SERIF Translations® is a translation agency with several specializations. I am the sole owner and member of the brand. Translations are done by me. I also offer translations in accounting, fashion, finance, general technology, information technology [IT], legal, marketing, medical and pharmaceutical, scientific terminologies, as well as several others. As a contemporary translation agency, I offer more than just a translation, I offer the optimum quality expected by a potential client. Operating in the global market, I offer my translation services with the international brand I own. Always considering the adjustments of the cultural context. Apart from the usual translation services I also offer additional services such as transcription, localization and transcreation of websites, as well as website proofreading. I will help you increase your revenues by opening new markets for you, as well as for your company, as well as for your end clients, so you will be expanding your business to a truly global reach with the most appropriate and required translations. It facilitates the reading of your documents in the following languages: English from Australia, Belize, United Kingdom and United States of America, either in several versions of the language, Spanish, African or Latin American, such as Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, and Costa Rican, Panamanian, Colombian, Peruvian, Ecuadorian, Bolivian, Chilean, Venezuelan, Argentinean, Uruguayan, Cuban, Spanish from the Dominican Republic and neutral from the United States of America.

References: translation agency or individual

Entities or persons for whom I have worked: M. Mamatha/Rakesh Vijayan: info@languagesolution.com – Feenix Language Solution. Exceptional translation agency from India. They are fair with pay rates as well as other issues. Recently, in 2018, I translated about 117, 000 words of source text for them. I translated them in about 3 weeks of work, from February to March 2018. I have translated for them various types of documents related to programming, commands, software, marketing, banking, finance and so on.

Seunghwan Lee bettertrans@naver.com – Naver. Exceptional wholesale agency in South Korea. Fair as far as pay rates are concerned, as well as in several other areas. I think Seunghwan is not only a project manager today; I think he is now the director of the entity. I basically work for Seunghwan on a monthly basis. I have translated various types of documents for him, as well as environmental, engineering, legal, finance, programming and several others.

Fabio Teso: Fabio@ywtran.com – Your World Translations. Exceptional translation agency from the United States of America. He is fair with pay rates as well as several other areas. I have worked for him in 2015 and before. I have translated for him mostly court legal documents in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.

Yair Bloch: yair@elitetirgumim.com – Elite Translations. Exceptional translation agency from Israel. He is fair with pay rates as well as several other areas. I recently, last year, 2018, translated about 8, 000 words of source text for him. I translated them without 1 day's work, in July 2018.... Text related to a public legal document from Uruguay.
Kansas, USA translation agency - Translation KC. Project manager and owner: Kenneth Watt... translationkc@gmail.com. Exceptional translation agency from the United States of America. He is fair on pay rates as well as various other issues. I have worked for him in 2016 and 2017 and translated documents related to specialized crane, food, engineering and mechanical/automotive terminologies.

Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.