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Romanian translations by native Romanian translators

Translation is a constantly evolving industry, with new and renowned translation agencies constantly arriving and leaving the scene. Each translation agency is different, with its own linguistic or technological strengths or weaknesses. For example, a translation agency may or may not offer Romanian translation, depending on its business model. Even translation agencies differ from each other, and some choose to complement English translation services with internationalization services, localization, desktop publishing, website testing and consultations on possible globalization of their products (not to be confused with the political meaning of this word). But we, although we are not an agency, offer the same, and at a lower price.

Services provided by Romanian language professionals

Translation agencies, whether in Madrid or Barcelona, must provide translations for a broad spectrum of industries, including finance, life sciences, legal, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, and more, but very few Romanian translation companies offer translation services that are comprehensive enough to cover the three basic needs: document translation, software and associated components, and websites.
Professional Romanian translations
Viorel Tiple, professional Romanian translator

Document translation service into Romanian and desktop publishing

Romanian document translation refers to the translation of printed materials such as contracts, birth certificates, ID cards, passports, user guides, medical brochures, financial information and more. It is likely that some English translation agencies offering this service also offer Romanian desktop publishing services, but this involves reformatting the original documents, which often leads to a multitude of problems. We have been supporting this type of translations for years.
Any Romanian document translation includes the translation of printed materials such as user guides, financial information, medical brochures and more. This process often includes desktop publishing in Romanian, which involves restoring the formatting specifications of the original documents after translation.
Every industry generates different types of documents, and each type of document presents unique translation challenges. For example, software translation often involves the translation of associated warranties, including user guides, terms of use and marketing materials. In contrast, the medical industry requires printing in multiple languages on its labels, for example, which requires meticulous translation and formatting to ensure accuracy and compliance with international regulations.

Romanian document translation begins with a thorough review of the source documentation for word count, subject matter and formatting requirements. The source document must then be imported into a translation tool such as Trados, which the linguist will use to manage terminology and facilitate consistent translation across all documents. Romanian translators will also realize cost savings by leveraging the translation memory for 100% matching and repeated text. If formatting is required after translation, the Romanian text is imported into a desktop publishing application in order to restore the formatting to match the original document.
Whichever translation company you choose for Romanian document translation will require various files and information before proceeding with your project. It is sometimes preferable that these are provided in all source language desktop publishing files, e.g., .indd, .qxd, .tif, .doc, .rtf, .ppt and .fm. Fonts and graphic designs used in the documents should also be provided. Any graphics or text that will not be translated (e.g. logos) should be indicated.

Translation of web pages from English to Romanian

Your website must be fully “globalized” in order to successfully establish and maintain an online presence in Romanian-speaking markets. Within the translation services industry, globalization refers to the basic process of creating a website that works in any market in the world.
Translating websites into Romanian or Ukrainian has many complexities, and not all translation agencies are up to the task. When selecting a translation company to translate your website, do your research to ensure that your potential translation partner has capabilities in the following areas:

1.Preferences for Romanian website translators, as they should be native Romanian translators.
should be native Romanian translators for translating professional websites that specialize in your company's specific technical areas and can be translated from Spanish, English or Russian if necessary. Professional website translators such as these should have expertise in topics related to website translation in particular, such as the proper translation of text in links, graphics, and Romanian SEO optimization of text for search engines.

2. Romanian website file formats
Romanian website translation projects usually involve many different file formats, regardless of their complexity. Whereby our website Romanian translation specialists must demonstrate their ability to translate source file texts such as HTML/XML/XSLT, web application files, server side pages, APIs, databases, CSS, Java scripts, PHP, ASP.NET, web forms, graphic files or FLASH files. You will probably need to provide these files to your translation company by e-mail, by uploading them to an FTP server or by giving the translation company access to your web site via a username and password to enter this data themselves.

3. Romanian web terminology management
Website Romanian translators must use translation memory tools such as Trados to translate the text strings that have been outsourced from the various file formats. As a result there will be client-specific glossaries and terminology databases, which will become the property of the client, ensuring consistent translations and efficient updates of future Romanian websites.

4. To effectively attract Romanian-speaking customers, you must first familiarize yourself with the concepts of Romanian localization. Romanian localization is the process of adapting not only the language and appearance of a product, but also the functionality of a product or website for Romanian-speaking markets. Romanian presents a variety of unique challenges for Romanian-speaking localization professionals.

5. Working with an experienced localization team is the best way to ensure a positive reception of your Romanian software or application, your Romanian website and your Romanian documentation in this Balkan and Carpathian language. Your localization service provider should employ teams of localization specialists who are native Romanian speakers and who know how to anticipate, detect and resolve a large number of potential Romanian, Russian or Ukrainian localization issues.

6. Localization services in Romanian and Romanian culture

7. The Romanian market is not a homogeneous culture, but has strong ties with some countries of different origin. Most of the symbols and icons are of utmost importance for several segments of the population from Romania and also from Moldova and Ukraine. When entering this market, you should be aware of these differences to avoid cultural mistakes and not to produce any unintentional use of symbols that may be offensive.

English to Romanian or Romanian to English translation services

We also provide translation services from English to Romanian or Romanian to English. We also offer culturally appropriate English-Romanian and Romanian-English translations for all major Romanian-speaking markets.

Localization of Romanian translations

Localization mainly deals with the frontend or linguistic and cosmetic aspects of an application, software or website, including local-specific content, cultural correctness, adapted Romanian translations and design. Romanian localization agencies can adapt a product for Romanian-speaking markets by localizing it specifically for those countries.

Native Romanian translators

With the expanding global economy, the number and types of translation agencies are constantly changing to meet the demand for translated materials for other countries. But the rates of these agencies are almost always too high. We are accompanied in our tasks by the right people (translators) and the necessary tools (translation technology) to handle Romanian translation at a moderate price. If you need translation services from English to Romanian or from Romanian to English, take a minute to find out to what extent we are equipped for potential assignments in these areas.

Translation technology and tools

Translation memory (TM) tools are incorporated into the Romanian translation workflow by not always efficient translation agencies. A Ukrainian, Russian or Romanian translation agency should also maintain the latest versions of software development and editing applications, documentation, online help and websites.

Romanian translation projects are completed by professional and native Romanian translation teams using state-of-the-art translation memory tools such as Trados, Catalyst or client-specified translation memory tools. We get personally involved in each project and provide basic translation, editing, proofreading and localization. We use specialized software to handle all aspects of project management.

Professional Romanian translation services include translation of documentation (manuals, books), translation of multimedia (e-learning, CBT's), and translation, internationalization and localization of software (ERP, CRM), and websites (B2B, B2C) into Romanian.
The Romanian translation teams are connected from Romania and Ukraine, and have already translated for many English-speaking countries, including Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Cuba. Romanian translations are specific to Romania, Moldova or Ukraine and can also be selected with professional Romanian editing and translation taking into account the dialect.

These translators use Trados, Catalyst and a variety of other translation memory and localization tools to help provide quality services on all projects. We sometimes work together with translation teams that specialize in certain fields such as medicine, law, manufacturing, Internet and information technology.

These English-Romanian and Romanian-English teams help us to be equipped with the latest dictionaries, glossaries and terminology databases. In addition, we develop client-specific glossaries that are then owned by our clients. Romanian, Russian and English translation memories are also created and all previous translations of a client are stored. This ensures that translations remain consistent from project to project.

Internationalization of product and service distribution to Romania

Internationalization is the process of making backend and frontend technologies work and be compatible with the Romanian language used in a website or web application.
Romanian language level testing
Working with several Romanian translation agencies we have learned to act as experienced language testers and can perform a thorough testing plan to ensure that your website or software application is correctly localized in Romanian and fully functional. It must also be fully adapted to the typical needs of Romanian-speaking users.

Consulting Services in Globalization of Products and Services for Romania

The vast majority of English translation agencies do not choose to offer consulting services on the globalization of their services and products, because they should then provide advice and training in areas such as website promotion, target market analysis, analysis for cultural correctness and more. We have already helped several Spanish companies in this regard (we refrain from disclosing their names).


Although educational requirements vary, we - professional native Romanian translators - have at least a university education and some have obtained master's degrees. Romanian translators who specialize in a field such as pharmaceuticals or law usually have additional educational or professional experience in that field.


Different countries have different accreditation programs. In the United States, the American Translators Association offers an accreditation program. It is important to remember that, although a Romanian or English translator may not have formal accreditation, he or she may still have sufficient experience and equivalent education to be a highly qualified professional translator without the accreditation mentioned here.

Professional Development

Successful Romanian translators need continuous development of specialized translation skills throughout their careers. The more professional experience a Romanian or English translator has, the more likely he or she is to master specialized terminology (telecommunications, for example), approaches to subject matter research and the ability to maintain efficiency and respect agreed-upon deadlines. Exposure to a wide variety of clients and project types also enhances skills as a Romanian to English translator.

Technical skills

Beyond pure linguistic talent, modern translators need to master translation memory (TM) tools such as Trados, Déjà Vu or MemoQ. These tools help translators manage terminology and reuse repeated texts to increase consistency and economic efficiency, as it always costs less this way. In addition to TM tools, it is useful for Romanian or Russian translators to have a working knowledge of desktop publishing applications. Incorrect line breaks and hidden markers placed in the middle of a word can disrupt translation memory and miss the opportunity to exploit the text more effectively. Translators with developed skills in desktop publishing applications are able to detect problematic elements in the document and recommend a “clean-up” of such elements in the source files prior to translation to limit time and money.
Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.