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Professional English to Spanish translations by a professional translator

Graduated as an Electrical Engineer (with emphasis in Telecommunications) and studies in Financial Management.

Usually translates technical, legal, advertising, financial, economic and general subjects.
Professional English to Spanish translations by a professional translator
Juan G. Native of Venezuela

Professional technical translations

Although I work in more thematic areas, what I prefer are technical translations from English to Spanish, since I have a degree in Electrical Engineering (with emphasis in Telecommunications) and studies in Financial Management (at Master's level), Marketing and Sales, General Management, Teaching and Safety/Hygiene/Environmental (these as Diplomas), all at university level. My work as a professional freelance translator began at supervisory levels as a Telecommunications Engineer at Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. PDVSA in 1992.
My father worked for Creole Petroleum Co. (a Standard Oil/Exxon company in Venezuela), so my kindergarten was American (and in English); my mother, who studied for three years as a graduate student in San Antonio, Texas, USA, used to speak to me in English at home. I lived in the USA for 6 months after my high school graduation and started translating English for my classmates during my university studies.

I am an inveterate reader; my main interests are technology (in general), telecommunications, politics, psychology, sociology, economics and news. I also have an intermediate level of Brazilian Portuguese and basic Italian.
I translate technical, legal, advertising, financial, economic and general subjects.

In all my jobs (and of course, during my studies) I routinely gave talks and presentations; I worked as a university professor for 8 years and was the Director (a position equivalent to Dean) in a private university institution for another two years, during which I had monthly live radio and/or TV interviews. I currently occupy my days as an Industrial Safety Consultant (I am also a certified OHSAS 18001 auditor), a radio show (certified commercial radio announcer / radio content producer, also certified) and professional translations, as well as Voiceover work.

My translations are based on context and interpretation, on meanings; no one can do a good job in this market using exactly the same words as the source document, and you must know how to say things correctly in the target language - that's why I only work with English to Spanish translations. And I can assure you that from me you will get a document with excellent grammatical and argumentative structures, spelling and punctuation marks.
Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.