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Professional translator from Spanish to English and from English to Spanish, American version of English.

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Professional English translations
Raul Guerrero: professional English translator

Professional English translations by a freelancer

I am a professional English translator, my mother tongue is Spanish and I lived in the USA for 7 years obtaining my high school graduation diploma, a Bachelor of Science (equivalent to a bachelor's degree) from Iowa State University (Ames, IA, USA), and an MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Tiffin University (Tiffin, OH, USA). As you can see in my resume (attached), I have a lot of experience working with translation companies from all over the world including USA, Europe, Asia and Latin America (over 3,700,000 words translated since 2015 exclusively for translation agencies). Through such companies, I have translated for some of the world's largest and most prestigious companies in the automotive, oil, financial, insurance and healthcare industries. I typically translate 6,000 words per day which includes three revisions to ensure excellent quality. I work hard, always deliver my work on time and always maintain an open channel of communication with my clients. I thank you in advance for your attention to this and look forward to collaborating with you soon on translation projects. Address: Pasaje 6NC y Juan Lovato, Conjunto Villa Algarrobo, Casa 2, La Tolita, Sector La Morita, Tumbaco E-mail: raul.guerrero.chavez@gmail.com Phone: Skype: +593 98 728-5155 raul.guerrero.chavez EDUCATION Tiffin University, Tiffin, Ohio, U.S.A. MBA 05/99. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. Bachelor of Science (Finance). 05/97. EXPERIENCE TRANSLATOR / INTERPRETER Quito, Ecuador January / 05 - To date Translator / Interpreter  Member # 262649 of the American Translators Association (ATA).
 English to Spanish and Spanish to English translation services for all types of documents including technical and legal documents.
 Interpreting (consecutive, whispered and simultaneous) from English to Spanish and Spanish to English.
 Collaboration with translation companies: FCI Multiple Services (USA): Translation services (English, Spanish, Castilian) of all types of materials, especially financial, legal and medical documents. Approximately, 1,867,426 words translated from 2017 to 2019. Go4Word (Portugal): Professional English and Spanish translation of patents and technical documents, especially for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Approximately, 1,525,250 words translated from 2015 to 2017. Lenguatec (Ecuador): Translation (English, Spanish) of all types of documents, mainly for the oil and health industries. Approximately 353,250 words from 2015 to 2017. Other translation companies I have collaborated with are: Responsive (USA), Pactera (China), STOES (Ecuador), Comtranslation (Spain), Magnus (USA). MOONLIGHT FLOWERS Quito, Ecuador October / 07 - January / 14 Sales Manager
 Opening new business relationships with international clients.
 Verbal and written communication with customers in English and Spanish.
 Selection, hiring and supervision of new sales executives.
 Interpretation services for clients, farm executives and freight forwarders.
 Training and support for new sales executives.
 Inventory management.
 Sales team monitoring and control.
 Execution of marketing projects to increase sales and profitability.
 Negotiation and coordination with local and international freight forwarders.
 Sales.
 Customer service and support. MOBIL BOLIVARIANA SERVICE STATION Quito, Ecuador December/03 - September/ 07 General Manager
 General administration of the company.
 Supervision of company personnel.  Training of company personnel to improve customer service and increase sales.
 Monitoring of compliance requirements established by regulatory entities.
 Administration of insurance policies.
 Presentation of management reports to company owners.
 Preparation of management reports using financial, accounting and marketing analysis.
 Proposing new financial, marketing and planning strategies to company owners using Management Information Systems (MIS).  Customer service. LLOYDS TSB BANK Quito, Ecuador January /02 - November /03 Corporate Assistant  Support for the execution of the bank's marketing strategy.
 Verbal and written communication with clients and bank executives in English and Spanish.
 Preparation and analysis of credit lines, in English and Spanish, using financial and macroeconomic analysis tools.
 Administration of client support documentation. This included compliance tasks with regulations established by the bank and local regulatory agencies (Superintendency of Banks and the Central Bank of Ecuador). BANCO ASERVAL S.A. Quito, Ecuador November /99 - January /02 Financial/MIS Analyst
 Design and implementation of MIS (administrative information systems) reports (ALCO) for senior executives.
 Translation of compliance manuals. TIFFIN UNIVERSITY Tiffin, Ohio, USA September /97 - May /99 Assistant.
 Office administration. ASSOCIATIONS
 American Translators Association. Membership # 262649. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  English: Advanced (spoken and written)  Spanish: Mother tongue (spoken and written)  Designed and implemented several web pages  Working knowledge of the following programs:  Microsoft Windows,  Microsoft Office (Excel, Word and Power Point),  Lotus SmartSuite (Lotus 123),  Netscape, Internet Explorer, Chrome, E-mail,  Computer-assisted translation programs (Smartling, Matecat, SmartCAT, SDL Wordserver, MemoQ) PERSONAL REFERENCES
 Ing. Gustavo Vásconez, Financial Consultant: 244-9350
 Ing. Raúl Estrella (Central Bank of Ecuador): 224-2332
 Nuno Guerreiro, General Manager, Go4word (translation agency), Portugal

 Sandra Alonso, Project Manager, Responsive Translation - translation company from Spain and the United States.

Translation is a process (almost like a dialectic) that creates transnational social links and spaces, revalues ​​local cultures and brings third cultures to the foreground, it is a process to avoid contradictions, misunderstandings and sometimes even conflicts of a varied nature.